PLEASE NOTE: THIS EVENT IS NOW SOLD OUT! Full Programme detailed pdf programme and booking form Book Online and pay online for a 5% discount Morning sessions Chair: Martha Spurrier Opening Address Sir Henry Brooke Liability: when does a public law wrong sound in damages Phillippa Kaufmann QC, Matrix Chambers Common law remedies Richard Hermer QC, Matrix Chambers Procedure Stephen Cragg QC, Doughty Street Chambers Mediation panel discussion Chair: Stephen Grosz QC (Hon) Panelists: Varda Bondy, Margaret Doyle, Stephen Reeder, Prof Carrie Menkel-Meadow Afternoon sessions Chair: Kate Gallafent, Blackstone Chambers 1st Breakout sessions (choose 1 of 3) HRA just satisfaction claims for individuals Tim Eicke QC, Essex Court Chambers or Privacy / data protection claims Tamsin Allen, Bindmans LLP & Kirsten Sjovoll, Matrix Chambers or Claims against the police and detaining authorities: an introduction Carolynn Gallwey, Bhatt Murphy 2nd Breakout sessions: (Choose 1 of 3) HRA just satisfaction claims for companies Charles Brasted, Hogan Lovells LLP & Adam Straw, Doughty Street Chambers or Discrimination claims Helen Mountfield QC, Matrix Chambers or Ombudsman remedies John Halford, Bindmans LLP Afternoon closing sessions Learning lessons from the cutting edge: the Mau Mau case Dan Leader, Leigh Day and Co Looking ahead – the potential for developing a public law wrong compensation tort Presentation: Michael Fordham QC, Blackstone Chambers DISCUSSION PANEL: Chair: Kate Gallafent Panelists: Dan Leader, John Halford, Fanella Morris QC Fees: Standard fee: £240 per delegate (£200 + VAT per delegate); Discounted fee: (charities, voluntary sector, academics, students, trainee solicitors & pupils): £144 per delegate (120 + VAT) 50% off third delegate when 3 book from the same organisation at the same time. Fees include refreshments and lunch. PLEASE NOTE The above price is an early bird offer and will not be available on pay-on-invoice bookings after 22 November. However the above prices (or as close as) will be available on credit and debit card online bookings after 22 November. This event is presented in partnership with Full Programme detailed pdf programme and booking form PLEASE NOTE: THIS EVENT IS NOW SOLD OUT! Events 4 March 2014 All Day Hogan Lovells International LLP Atlantic House, Holborn ViaductLondonEC1A 2FG ShareClick to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window)