Rights Removal Bill: PLP responds to Bill of Rights announcement

Read the full statement from Legal Director Ariane Adam

Rwanda: Memorandum of Understanding

Memorandum of Understanding bypasses essential Parliamentary scrutiny

Judicial Review Bill: Compromise on controversial clause

Last minute change will provide better protection to those harmed by unlawful decisions

JHAC report reflects PLP’s automation concerns

Considering the fair application of technology in the justice system

JR Bill: access to justice strengthened with Lords amendments

Two key amendments will protect the rule of law

Ministerial opinion on judicial review too ‘divergent’ to publish

Parliamentarians will not be able to see Government evidence submitted to the Independent Review of Administrative Law

Means Test Review shows positive signs but obstacles remain

PLP’s statement on the Ministry of Justice’s Legal Aid Means Test Review

ICO challenge goes to hearing

Why disclosure of government submissions influencing controversial JR reforms is essential

Environmental protection bolstered through new amendment

How judicial review will remain a key tool for enforcing environmental laws

Six problems with the Nationality and Borders Bill

PLP and JUSTICE set out which aspects of the Bill must be changed

Legal challenge over hidden Government evidence on judicial review

PLP has begun legal proceedings against the Information Commissioner’s Office

Human Rights Act: 5 concerns with new consultation

Why new proposals will make holding public bodies to account more difficult