This workshop is aimed at frontline or support workers who come across cases of sanctions in their job. The workshop will give an overview of what sanctions are, why someone can be sanctioned, what commitments benefit claimants have, and the different levels of sanctions for different categories of claimants. It will also enable frontline workers to identify ways to help clients avoid sanctions, to help clients deal with sanctions, and to signpost claimants to relevant referral mechanisms.

The workshop does not require any previous knowledge on benefits or sanctions and it will focus in particular on sanctions for UC and ESA claimants.

The workshop is free of cost and open to up to 20 participants. Please register by Tuesday, 2nd April.

This workshop is delivered by Law for Life and the Public law Project.

Law for Life is a legal information and education charity that works to ensure that everyone has the knowledge, confidence and practical skills they need to secure access to justice.

You need to book via Eventbrite here.