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9.00 Coffee and registration

9.30 Introduction from the Chair of
the Public Law Project

9.35 Opening Address: Lord Justice Laws

10.00 Top public law cases of the year:
Alan Maclean QC, Naina Patel & Iain Steele
Blackstone Chambers &
Joanna Ludlam, Baker McKenzie LLP

10.45 Parliamentary Vandalism and New Human Rights
• Implications of repeal of the HRA and
statutorily restricted rights
• The strength and potential of the common law
and international human rights obligations
• A rebalanced Constitution through the
principle of legality and the rule of law
Mike Fordham QC, Blackstone Chambers

11.15 break

11.35 Morning breakout sessions
choose one of four below. Full details of the sessions available in the full programme PDF here.
Each session is scheduled to last one hour.

1. EU law in domestic judicial review
Deba Das, Senior Associate & Freshfields,
Tom Snelling, Partner, Freshfields &
Marie Demetriou QC, Brick Court Chambers

2. Proportionality – what lies beneath the
label? The dark arts of variable intensity
of review and application of the principle
in practice.
Tom de la Mare QC, Blackstone Chambers &
John Halford, Bindmans LLP

3. Victims, suspects and convicts – recent
developments in public law and the
criminal justice system
Simon Creighton, Bhatt Murphy Solicitors,
Philippa Kaufmann QC, Matrix Chambers &
Kate Stone, Garden Court North
Another speaker to be confirmed.

4. Challenging NHS decisions: How can
patients and those focusing on patient
interests use the law to uphold patients’
David Lock QC and Tim Buley, Landmark Chambers

Recent case law on the engagement of Article 8,
data processing and privacy issues.
Hugh Tomlinson QC, Matrix Chambers

13.05 Lunch

Chair: Nicola Mackintosh QC (Hon)

14.00 PUBLIC LAW PANEL: Surveillance and the Law
The Panel will discuss recent judgments of the
Investigatory Powers Tribunal (IPT) concerning
the basis for lawful interception, including the
implications for communications to which legal
professional privilege and client confidentiality
attach. They will also discuss David Anderson
QC’s recent report ‘A Question of Trust’ and
other legal issues arising from surveillance by the
intelligence services. There will be time for Q&A
from delegates.

Tim Otty QC, Blackstone Chambers (Chair)
David Anderson QC, The Government’s
Independent Reviewer of Terrorism Legislation
Michael Drury CMG, Partner, BCL Burton
Copeland and former Head of Legal, GCHQ
Eric King, Deputy Director, Privacy International
Alice Ross, Investigative Journalist, the Guardian

14.45 Afternoon breakout sessions
Choose one of four below
Each session is scheduled to last one hour.

5. Public law and the regulators
Andrew Lidbetter, Partner &
Jasveer Randhawa, Senior Associate,
Herbert Smith Freehills LLP

6. International Law in the Domestic Courts
Richard Hermer QC, Matrix Chambers &
Ravi Mehta, Blackstone Chambers

7. Social Security Salami Slicing:
What’s Left to Cut?
Jamie Burton, Doughty Street Chambers,
Sarah Clarke, The Public Law Project &
Michael Spencer, Child Poverty Action Group

8. Future proofing: running human rights
arguments under the common law
Adam Straw & Heather Williams QC
Doughty Street chambers

15.45 Break

16.05 The relationship between litigation and policy :
Litigation by the Chagossian Islanders (1982 – )
Richard Gifford, Consultant, Clifford Chance LLP
& Counsel tbc

16.35 Why Henry VIII Clauses should be consigned to the
dustbin of history
Richard Gordon QC, Brick Court Chambers

17.00 Closing address : Prof Conor Gearty
The impact of terrorism policy on free speech

17.30 Finish

Supported by Herbert Smith Freehills and Blackstone Chambers

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Standard fee: £354 per delegate (£295 + VAT per delegate)
Discounted fee: (charities, voluntary sector, academics, students, trainee solicitors & pupils):
£228 per delegate (£190 + VAT)

We have just announced a limited number of tickets for Law Centres at the special discounted price of £120 + VAT (contact [email protected] to purchase these tickets. 3rd delegate discount also works with this offer!).

All Fees include refreshments and lunch.

50% off third delegate when 3 book from the same organisation at the same time.
There are further discounts available for block bookings (see below) though you will need to get in touch to tell us you want to take advantage of the offer, also if you are a voluntary sector or academic body with a block booking. [email protected]
More than 6 £240 / delegate
More than 9 £220 / delegate
More than 12 £210 / delegate
More than 15 £200 / delegate
More than 18 £190 / delegate
All prices above exc. of VAT

Full programme  As a beautiful PDF


5 October 2015
All Day

Herbert Smith Freehills

Exchange House, Primrose Street