Bookings for this event are now closed. However, we have a few spaces left if you want to attend please e-mail [email protected] before 5pm today, Friday 21 April.

Main themes: European legislation, courts and rights still impact British jurisdictions.   This event looks at changes to British constitutional paradigms post-Brexit, and the effects of European Union law on data protection, privacy, equality law, human rights law, and immigration in the United Kingdom.  This event is presented in partnership with Allen and Overy and Monckton Chambers.

This event is being held in person at Allen & Overy (1 Bishops Square, London E1 6AD). Refreshments, lunch and drinks reception are all included for delegates.

Who this event is for:

  • Lawyers, civil society campaigners and journalists concerned with the ongoing relationship between European and British jurisdictions
  • Researchers and those in Government working on transitioning European legislation and answering the questions arising out of Brexit.

As delegates you will:

  •  Understand the ongoing role of European legislation in British law
  • Use the Convention in human rights challenges and other litigation
  • Identify issues with the EUSS, The Withdrawal Agreement, citizen’s rights agreement and other key provisions
  • Highlight potential gaps in data protection and privacy under GDPR and identify potential redress
  • Consider the new relationship between the EU and public law


  • Full price: £160 ||Discounted (NGOs  / trainees) £99 ||  Student: £20 (very limited run)
  • This event is planned as ‘in person’ with no hybridity or online element for delegates.
  • NGOs / Charities outside of London: If you are a small NGO or charity based outside of London, and have a limited budget,  we have a limited number of free places on a first come first served basis .   Please contact the Events Team.

Full programme:

10:00-10:45: Check-in and coffee

10:45-11:00: Introduction

  • Amélie Godfrey, Public Law Project/University of Essex

11:00-11:30: Opening address: What is the relationship with European law and jurisdiction post-Brexit?

  • Nuala Mole, Founder and Senior Lawyer, the AIRE Centre

11:30-11:45: Break

11:45-13:00: The Withdrawal Agreement, Citizens’ rights agreement, and key provisions
This session will provide a general overview of the Withdrawal Agreement (EUWA), the changes made to it by subsequent legislation, the Northern Ireland protocol, domestic applications of the Agreement and the Trade and Cooperation Agreement (TCA), as well as recent judgments impacting citizens’ rights.

  • Chair: Indira Rao MBE, Counsel for EU and International Law in the House of Commons
  • Professor Catherine Barnard, University of Cambridge (joining remotely)
  • Jack Williams, Monckton Chambers
  • Martin Williams, Child Poverty Action Group

13:00-14:00: Lunch

14:00-15:30: Breakouts (choose 1 of 4)

GDPR and European law
This session will look at privacy, automated decision-making, data law, gaps within GDPR and potential avenues for litigation.

  • Chair: Will Perry, Monckton Chambers
  • Eleonor Duhs, BatesWells
  • Ioannis Kouvakas, Privacy International
  • Ciar McAndrew, Monckton Chambers
  • James McGachie, DLA Piper

Immigration and the EUSS
This session will look at recent case judgements and changes brought in subsequent to litigation. Panelists will also discuss ongoing or potential problems with the EUSS, where change or challenge is needed to ensure people’s rights.

  • Chair: Mia Leslie, Public Law Project
  • Marina Fernandez-Reino, COMPAS, University of Oxford
  • Khatija Hafesji, Monckton Chambers
  • Kuba Jablonowski, the 3million
  • Angharad Price, Independent Monitoring Authority (joining remotely)

Equality law, the CRFEU, general principles and the European Convention
This panel will look at, among other things, age discrimination cases, potential challenges using the Charter in conjunction with EUWA, and the continued status of EU non-discrimination guarantees.

  • Chair: Dr Julinda Beqiraj, BIICL
  • Bojana Asanovic, Garden Court Chambers
  • Tom de la Mare KC, Blackstone Chambers (TBC)
  • Adam Straw KC, Doughty Street Chambers

15:30-15:45: Break

15:45-16:15: What comes next?

  • Professor Iyiola Solanke, Jacques Delors Chair of European Law, University of Oxford

16:15-17:30: REUL – what does it mean, what the key provisions are, how it might impact British law if it goes forward

  • Chair: Zahra Al-Rikabi, Brick Court Chambers
  • Dr Ruth Fox, Hansard Society
  • George Peretz KC, Monckton Chambers
  • Jessica Simor KC, Matrix Chambers
  • Professor Alison Young, University of Cambridge

18:00 Drinks reception (this will start at 5.30 if there is no over run in conference timings)

Presented in partnership with Allen & Overy and Monckton Chambers.

  • If you have any queries about tickets and programmes, please email the Events Team.
  • Please note that all bookings are manually processed by our Events Team and it might take 2-3 business days to receive confirmation.

24 April 2023
10:00 am - 6:00 pm

Book now

Allen & Overy

One Bishops Square
E1 6AD

Map Unavailable

Standard Ticket

Price: £160.00
VAT: £0.00
Total: £160.00

Discounted Ticket

Price: £99.00
VAT: £0.00
Total: £99.00

Student Ticket

Price: £20.00
VAT: £0.00
Total: £20.00

Book a place

Bookings are closed for this event.