Latest news


New research on legal aid cuts shows wasted money and “embarrassing” data gaps

New research shows that cuts to legal aid have racked up additional costs in the long run by putting pressure on other parts of government

26 Jul 2024

Policy briefings and submissions

Review of Civil Legal Aid: why Ministry of Justice must take action

Why PLP told the Ministry of Justice that remote advice will not fix the legal aid crisis in their latest call for evidence

12 Mar 2024

News & Updates

Update – PLP’s legal challenge over immigration legal aid crisis

After meeting with the Ministry of Justice, PLP continues to prepare evidence for our proposed legal challenge

23 Nov 2023

News & Updates

Will a ‘remote providers list’ help resolve legal aid shortage?

UPDATE: Can you help once more with PLP’s challenge to the Lord Chancellor over legal aid?

7 Nov 2023

News & Updates

Can you support legal action over the crisis in legal aid?

Help our legal action against the Lord Chancellor by providing evidence of how unsustainable and inaccessible legal aid has become

16 Oct 2023

Please note: Public law is a very fast moving area and some of the information will be out of date or overtaken by events. PLP accept no responsibility for the contents of these items.