Guide to grounds for Judicial Review

A short guide to grounds for Judicial Review.

What is Judicial Review?

A short guide to Judicial Review.

Response to the Legal Services Commission’s ‘Making legal rights a reality’ consultation

This is the Public Law Project’s response to the Legal Services Commission’s ‘Making legal rights a reality’ consultation.

Response to the Legal Services Commission’s ‘Top Slice Review’

This is the Public Law Project’s response to the Legal Services Commission’s ‘Top Slice Review’.

The Public Law Project 1990-2005

Brochure and report covering the activities of the first 15 Years of the Public Law Project

Response to the Legal Services Commission’s ‘New focus for civil legal aid’ consultation

This is the Public Law Project’s response to the Legal Services Commission’s ‘New focus for civil legal aid’ consultation.

Who Needs ADR?

As long ago as January 1999, Lord Irvine’s inaugural lecture to the Faculty of Mediation and ADR recognised that, whilst ADR has an expanding role within the civil justice system, ‘there are serious and searching questions’ to be answered about its use. This article explores the place of alternative dispute resolution in the public law system.

The Impact of the Human Rights Act 1998 on Judicial Review

The study provides a detailed breakdown of the number of civil judicial review claims issued and granted permission in each category within the research period. It considers the incidence of Human Rights Act claims in judicial review proceedings and compares the outcome patterns of HRA and non-HRA cases, concluding that there is little evidence to

Third Party Interventions in Judicial Review

This report describes the process and outcomes of an ‘action research’ project conducted by the Public Law Project with the financial support of the Nuffield Foundation.

Public Law Project 10th Anniversary Report

This is the Public Law Project’s 10th anniversary report.

Cause for Complaint: An evaluation of the effectiveness of NHS complaints procedures

In 1997, PLP received funding from the National Lotteries Charities Board to carry out the first independent, national evaluation of the operation and effectiveness of the NHS complaints procedure introduced in April 1996. The aim of this report is to evaluate the procedure from the perspective of health service users, looking at issues of fairness