If you would like to get involved in fundraising for PLP (and we would love you to!) there are opportunities, such as the Royal Parks Half Marathon (pandemics allowing). Being on our mailing list will give you the plenty of advance notice on when these opportunities arise. We do offer a Summer Fellowship in Human Rights with the Bonavero Institute and applications for this post are circulated via our mailing list, usually in January. Student volunteers often help us with in-person (i.e. not online) events, especially those outside of London. You can learn about these events through being on our mailing list or checking our events pages. Whilst we want to encourage people to be involved in public law professionally, we do not generally offer work experience or similar unpaid working opportunities partly because that does not, in our view, encourage diversity and inclusion. If you want to work at PLP we suggest you sign up to our mailing list where any future opportunities will be advertised. Job opportunities appear on our latest opportunities page. Thanks!