This new project investigates the administrative justice issues arising from the changes to UK immigration law and policy as a result of Brexit.

The project focuses on the Scheme being implemented by the Home Office to replace the rights of residence currently enjoyed by EU citizens and their family members under the free movement arrangements. This includes a study of the interplay between initial decision-making, new uses of technology, and the modes of administrative redress available against decisions made under this Scheme.

A working group of former immigration judges, practitioners, and academics has been convened to provide expert guidance on different elements of this project. PLP will regularly update the website with findings from this project. This research commenced in August 2018 and concludes in August 2019. You can read more about this research on the project page.

We welcome enquiries from all stakeholders with an interest in immigration law and policy. For further information about this project please email the lead researcher on the project, Byron Karemba