The DDPOs (Deaf/Disabled People’s Organisations) Legal Network next meeting

Topic: Using the law to tackle Disability Hate Crime

Speakers: Sarah Ricca – lawyer from Deighton Pierce Glynn, Dale Simon – Head of public accountability and inclusion at the Crown Prosecution Service and Ruth Bashall – disability hate crime campaigner

Disability Hate crime is on the increase. There an estimated 108 Disability Hate crimes (DHC) committed each day but reporting, recording and prosecution of these crimes are extremely low. The meeting will be an opportunity to find out about current case law in relation to DHC, hear what the CPS are doing to address DHC and what the issues are for disabled people experiencing and trying to report DHC.

When:Tuesday 10 September from 5.30 for 6pm – 8pm

Venue: SCOPE, 6 Market Road, London N7 9PW.

The venue is fully accessible and British Sign Language Interpreters will be present.

What is the DDPO Legal Network?

The DDPO Legal Network brings together DDPOs and lawyers to raise understanding of the legal system, legislation, case law and policy that relates to the quality of life, rights and inclusion of Deaf and disabled people.

The Network aims to create a forum for disseminating legal information of strategic importance. Through the Network both lawyers and DDPOs will be able to share their experiences and identify individual challenges and relevant evidence to strengthen existing cases.

There is no better time than now for disabled people and lawyers to work together.

For DDPOs…

Through the Network DDPOs will be able to increase their understanding of key legal issues including current case law and legal challenges, improve their capacity to use the legal system and make links with leading lawyers working in the field of disability rights and discrimination.

For lawyers…

The Network will be a way in which lawyers can better engage with DDPOs and their service users and members. It aims to be a forum in which to exchange information, ideas and evidence on strategic litigation about the issues affecting disabled people. 1.5 CPD points are given for attending this meeting

For more information go to:

How to book:

Places are limited so please RSVP as soon as possible and no later than

Monday 2 September 2013 to: mailto:[email protected] or phone the office on: 020 7237 3181. Please state if you are attending as a Lawyer.

The venue is fully wheelchair accessible and British Sign Language Interpreters and electronic note taker will be present. If you have any other access needs please contact Libby when you make your booking

Supported by: Trust for London and 11KBW

The network is supported by 11KBW and Trust for London