PLP’s solicitor Katy Watts has written a toolkit on setting up ECF clinics.

The legal aid Exceptional Case Funding (ECF) scheme is intended to be a human rights ‘safety net’ to avoid breaches of people’s rights, ensuring access to legal aid even when it would not normally be available. ECF clinics help people access ECF to get funded legal representation for vital cases. Such funding can also ‘free-up’ valuable resources in the pro bono sector and promote innovative partnerships.

PLP’s toolkit is a guide to setting up an ECF clinic. It looks at clinical models, opportunities, issues and analysis with detailed case studies and views from clinical practitioners and their partners.

This toolkit was formally launched at a roundtable discussion on 06 November 2019. The discussions featured talks from Katy Watts and Emma Marshall of PLP, Anna Skehan of Islington Law Centre, James Sandbach of LawWorks and Hannah Tye of Freshfields.

You can download the toolkit here.