The International Agreements Committee’s recent report echoed PLP’s concerns that a new treaty with Rwanda fails to address the Supreme Court’s concerns around the safety of migrants and Rwanda’s human rights record.

Read our full submission

In our evidence to the Committee, PLP argued that the problems in Rwanda’s asylum system would take considerable time and effort to reform, as the Supreme Court clearly stated in their ruling. We pointed out that the new treaty still put people in danger in many ways:

  • There is still a real risk of refoulement, or people being removed to countries where they face inhuman or degrading treatment,
  • The Rwandan Government’s treatment of LGBTQI+ people means that LGBTQI+ people seeking asylum are likely to face extensive human rights abuses,
  • And international obligations did not prevent refoulement or human rights abuses when Rwanda previously had a similar arrangement with Israel.

The UK Government’s solutions, like a four-day training programme for Rwandan officials, are not sufficient to ensure the safety of anyone removed to Rwanda.

For these reasons, PLP welcomes the Committee’s recommendation that the Rwanda treaty should not be ratified until Parliament has evidence that the protections it provides have been fully implemented.