Published: 9th January 2014 From LAG’s website: “The independent commission established by LAG and led by the cross-bench peer Lord Low has published its report today, 9th January. The Commission is calling for urgent reforms to ensure ordinary people can get the help they need to deal with employment, debt, housing and other social welfare law problems.” The report also lists the failure of the exceptional funding arrangements under LASPO, on page xi, as one of the policies in urgent need of reform: “Urgent action is also required to address the application and funding problems arising with section 10 of the LASPO Act on exceptional funding arrangements. These were intended to act as a safety net to guarantee the funding of cases that would ordinarily be out of scope for legal aid funding, but where either human rights or EU law require the provision of legal aid. The evidence to date is that these arrangements are not working.” Read the full report here.