We welcome the seriousness with which the Government and the state are taking the horrific violence inflicted by the far right against migrants, Muslims and people of colour.

We also welcome the Prime Minister’s support of the rule of law at this time of national crisis.

We hope that the Government also feels empowered to consistently call out the anti-migrant sentiment, Islamophobia and racism that underpin this devastation, knowing that silence will embolden those causing this violence and leave those facing the brunt of it feeling abandoned.

When the immediate issues have been addressed and tended to, Government must urgently focus on tackling anti-migrant sentiment, both through tone and policy action.

A fair and humane immigration system should be a source of pride to us as a country, and Government must lead the way to meaningfully effecting that vision, which is so clearly under threat.

Until then, everyone at PLP continues to work hard for our clients and stands in solidarity with all communities affected as well as partners across the sector.