Conference materials

Devolution and Evolution: Judicial Review in Wales

Clive Lewis QC

An examination of the Welsh contribution to judicial review , looking at key cases past and present. Clive also assesses the future in light of the referendum on transfer of powers from Westminster to Wales.

4 May 2011

Conference materials

Education Challenges in Wales

Joanne Clement

This paper looks at the opportunity for public law challenges arising from Welsh education legislation.

11 Apr 2013

Conference materials

A Year in Judicial Review: Important cases of the Last 12 Months

Pete Weatherby QC and Ben McCormack

A round-up of the important cases and decisions from the last 12 months.

12 Jul 2012

Conference materials

Funding and Costs Issues in Judicial Review

Ben McCormack and Lisa Richardson

The government is seeking to apply significant restrictions on funding for JRs (on top of those imposed by LASPO 2012). At the same time , the courts have been clarifying the principles governing costs recovery. This seminar will provide practical tips and advice to help claimant lawyers sustain a JR practice into the future.

11 Jul 2013

Conference materials

Defending Judicial Review Claims

Tim Eicke QC

This paper provides an overview of recent developments and tips on strategy for lawyers defending judicial review claims.

13 Oct 2011

Conference materials

Ombudsman v JR

Sarah Clarke

With legal aid for JR under threat , practitioners may want to consider alternatives. Ombudsman decisions themselves are amenable to JR. Representations to the Ombudsman are free , claimants don’t need a lawyer – and in a landscape in which the government appears only to be prepared to fund legal advice for itself , that’s of increasing significance.
Although there are some disadvantages to using the Ombudsman , there are also advantages , both are considered in this paper.

17 Jul 2013

Conference materials

Public Law and the Voluntary Sector

Sarah Clarke

The paper gives an introduction to the value of public law to voluntary sector organisations.

11 Jul 2013

Conference materials

Exceptional Funding for Inquests

Nancy Collins

This presentation provides an overview of exceptional funding for inquests.

11 Jul 2013

Conference materials

Environmental Judicial Review – recent trends

Richard Turney

This presentation considers current issues in environmental and planning judicial reviews.

11 Jul 2013

Conference materials

Judicial Review in Education: A case law update

Sarah Hannett

This talk outlines the most interesting judicial review cases in education in the last 12 months. It addresses the following topics: School transport; GCSE examinations; Eligibility for student funding in higher education; Universities; The Office of the Independent Adjudicator; Costs in judicial review claims in the Upper Tribunal.

11 Jul 2013

Conference materials

Exceptional funding: The brave new world

Martha Spurrier

This paper provides a summary overview of the exceptional funding scheme under the Legal Aid , Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Act 2012.

4 Jun 2013

Conference materials

Social Entitlement – First Tier Challenges

Lorna Reid

This paper focuses on preparation for and representation at the Social Security and Child Support First Tier Tribunal.

4 Jun 2013