Policy briefings and submissions

PLP Briefing – EU Union (Withdrawal) Bill – Three Key Issues

Public Law Project

Ahead of the Second Reading of the European Union (Withdrawal) Bill in the House of Lords, PLP has prepared a short briefing paper for Peers highlighting three key issues with the Bill. PLP takes no position on the UK’s decision to leave the European Union. Our work around the EU (Withdrawal) Bill is intended to

30 Jan 2018

Policy briefings and submissions

Procedural fairness, article 8 and unlawful removal: [RLG] R(AT and ors) v SSHD

Rakesh Singh

This judicial review in the Administrative Court concerns the unlawful removal of the Claimant AT following the unlawful refusal by the Secretary of State for the Home Department (SSHD) to accept his article 8 further submissions as a fresh claim.  The SSHD’s decision was procedurally unfair because AT was detained and unrepresented and the SSHD

21 Nov 2017

Policy briefings and submissions

The importance of “exit day” in the EU (Withdrawal) Bill

Public Law Project

“Exit day” is a hugely important term in the EU (Withdrawal) Bill.  It determines how long Ministers can exercise their delegated powers for and it sets the date when a snapshot of EU law is taken and retained in domestic law. This is a very short briefing for MPs setting out why “Exit day’ is

26 Oct 2017

Policy briefings and submissions

Committee Stage Brief on the Rights Implications of the EU (Withdrawal) Bill

Public Law Project

Leaving the EU need not – and should not – result in ordinary people in the UK losing existing rights.  Yet if this Bill were to pass un-amended, that would be the inevitable result. That is why Liberty, Amnesty International UK, the Public Law Project and JUSTICE have come together to urge MPs to support

26 Oct 2017

Policy briefings and submissions

Problems with ‘The Repeal Bill’

Public Law Project

PLP is providing extracts from a parliamentary briefing on the EU (Withdrawal) Bill to help more people understand the public law issues arising from the Bill. We have produced social media ‘cards’ that people can share with ‘headline’ issues. These link to the more detailed extracts below.

2 Oct 2017

Policy briefings and submissions

European Union (Withdrawal) Bill Briefing for House of Commons Second Reading

Public Law Project

Ahead of the Second Reading of the European Union (Withdrawal) Bill on Thursday 07th September , PLP has prepared a briefing paper for Members highlighting our key concerns with the Bill.

6 Sep 2017

Policy briefings and submissions

Home Office disclosure – efforts to reduce the numbers of Eritrean nationals granted asylum

Public Law Project

Under the Freedom of Information Act , PLP , acting on behalf of a concerned individual , has obtained information from the Home Office which reveals that a visit by its officials to Eritrea in December 2014 was made in order to discuss reducing Eritrean migration to the UK.

18 May 2017

Policy briefings and submissions

PLP letter to Secretary of State for Work and Pensions

Alison Pickup

Following widespread concern about the key performance indicators used to monitor performance of the DWP’s Mandatory Reconsideration procedure , PLP has written to the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions to express its concern and request clarification.

17 May 2017

Policy briefings and submissions

PLP response to the Ministry of Justice consultation on Legal Aid Financial Eligibility and Universal Credit

Public Law Project

This is PLP’s response to the Ministry of Justice’s consultation on proposed changes to financial eligibility for legal aid for Universal Credit claimants.

8 May 2017

Policy briefings and submissions

PLP Impact Report and Five Year Review 2012 to 2016

Public Law Project

The report uses illustrative case studies and data analysis to summarise and explain:

PLP’s Legal Aid Support Project (LASP); Casework in welfare benefits , community care , and the Special Immigration and Appeal’s Commission (SIAC); PLP’s Justice First Fellows; Research and policy work; Training , conferences , resources , guides and publications … and the PLP community!

The report finishes with a summary of our recent strategic review and its results;

a re-articulation of our vision , mission and priorities more suited to current challenges.mission and priorities.

13 Apr 2017

Policy briefings and submissions

PLP’s submission to Lord Justice Jackson’s review of fixed recoverable costs

Public Law Project

PLP’s response addresses a number of issues , namely the lack of shared understanding of terminology , why judicial review is a ‘special case’ and PLP’s conclusions regarding ‘QOCS’.

31 Jan 2017

Policy briefings and submissions

Letter from PLP to the Lord Chancellor

Alison Pickup

‘We are writing further to your statement in Parliament earlier this month that you would shortly be announcing the timeline for the review of LASPO which the Government is committed to undertaking by April 2018. PLP welcomes the Government’s intention to conduct a review into the LASPO legal aid reforms which have had far reaching implications for access to justice in England and Wales.

We are taking the opportunity to write to you now with some suggestions as to the areas which the Government’s review should cover. This is a non-exhaustive list of areas of particular concern and which you will no doubt wish to consider in order to fully understand the implications for access to justice and the rule of law of the LASPO reforms , given your oath and statutory duties as Lord Chancellor.â€

5 Jan 2017