A new report about Albanian asylum seekers, showcasing the key problems people face in the UK’s asylum system.
New research shows that the Ministry of Justice’s list of remote advice providers created a mirage of legal aid capacity in the south-west
PLP’s new report compares transparency requirements from Canada, the USA, France, Japan, and the EU to discover how the UK should regulate AI
New report on the experience of accessing immigration legal advice remotely and why we need sufficient research and best practice guidelines
New PLP research reveals how damaging deductions are, how inaccessible DWP systems can be, and why we need urgent change now
New research shows that cuts to legal aid have racked up additional costs in the long run by putting pressure on other parts of government
Our latest report on GPS tagging in immigration bail finds that the Home Office has increased its use by 56%, and looks at harm caused by new devices.
20 Dec 2023
Cutting-edge insight from our September roundtable discussion on AI regulation, with proposals from researchers, lawyers and academics
A comprehensive report about the legal aid crisis and why we initiated legal proceedings against the Lord Chancellor
New report uncovers extent of immigration and asylum legal aid crisis
Introducing the Tracking Automated Government register
9 Feb 2023
Stats gathered in response to concerns that appointments are inaccessible
14 Dec 2022