How do we make sure the UK Government’s use of automation and AI is transparent and regulated?

Full findings from our roundtable

In early Autumn of this year, a group of legal, policy and regulation researchers, lawyers and academics concerned with the regulation of AI took part in a roundtable to share ideas about what current policy and legislative proposals mean for the use of AI by public authorities.

We focused on five areas around public sector use of AI: transparency, public consultation, rights related to human involvement, accountability and redress, and regulation.

Read our report to see what the group made of the big questions:

  • Do we need a specific AI Regulator?
  • Should individuals have a right to a human decision-maker?
  • How should the public be consulted on new AI tools?
  • Is a statutory duty the best way to achieve transparency?

PLP’s thanks go to the participants for contributing their time and thoughts.

Read the report here