
New research on legal aid cuts shows wasted money and “embarrassing” data gaps

Dr. Emma Marshall, Samuel Engle and Dr. Siân Pearce

New research shows that cuts to legal aid have racked up additional costs in the long run by putting pressure on other parts of government


‘Constantly on Edge’: The expansion of GPS tagging and the rollout of non-fitted devices

Dr Jo Hynes

Our latest report on GPS tagging in immigration bail finds that the Home Office has increased its use by 56%, and looks at harm caused by new devices.

20 Dec 2023


Developing AI regulation: findings from PLP’s roundtable

Cutting-edge insight from our September roundtable discussion on AI regulation, with proposals from researchers, lawyers and academics


Lord Chancellor faces legal challenge over legal aid crisis

A comprehensive report about the legal aid crisis and why we initiated legal proceedings against the Lord Chancellor


Overstretched & Unsustainable: a case study of the immigration and asylum legal aid sector

Dr Jo Hynes

New report uncovers extent of immigration and asylum legal aid crisis


The Tracking Automated Government register

Introducing the Tracking Automated Government register

9 Feb 2023


Biometric appointments for refugee settlement applicants: new data

Migrants Legal Project and Public Law Project

Stats gathered in response to concerns that appointments are inaccessible

14 Dec 2022


Research reveals “inhumane” effects of GPS tagging on migrants

Rudy Schulkind, Woodren Brade, Jo Hynes, Dr Kathryn Allinson

A new report by Public Law Project, Bail for Immigration Detainees, and Medical Justice


Benefit Sanctions: A Presumption of Guilt

Caroline Selman

New report finds lack of trust at heart of system

20 Jul 2022


Trapped capital still barrier to legal aid, research shows

Dr. Emma Marshall and Daniel Rourke

Why more must be done to make legal aid accessible

26 Apr 2022


Experiments in Automating Immigration Systems: a discussion

Tatiana Kazim

Expert insights on how to ensure automated decision making operates fairly

10 Mar 2022


Against Persons Unknown

Jacqueline Kinghan and Lisa Vanhala

How a self-organised group from Hull fought for justice

10 Nov 2021