
The effects of LASPO on civil legal aid in Wales

Sue Harper

This research briefing explores effects of the LASPO reforms on civil legal aid provision in Wales. It draws on Welsh and UK Government statistics and reports; publications by legal professional bodies, Parliamentary Committees, Independent Commissions and the voluntary sector; academic sources; informal consultations with solicitors and advice charities. Download here

14 Jun 2018


Exceptional Case Funding Briefing

Katy Watts

The Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Act 2012 (LASPO) limited the availability of civil legal aid, removing large areas of law from within scope of legal aid. In response to concerns about LASPO, the government included a provision for funding to be made available in certain cases, which would otherwise be outside of

22 May 2018


The Civil Legal Advice Telephone Gateway

Polly Brendon

This briefing paper provides an overview of the PLP research report ‘Keys to the Gateway: an Independent Review of the Mandatory Civil Legal Advice Gateway.’ The introduction of the mandatory CLA Gateway for Debt, Discrimination, and Special Educational Needs marked a major shift in the delivery of publicly funded legal advice. This briefing looks at

22 May 2018


Legal aid and access to early advice

Mary Evenden

The overview provided in this briefing paper identifies five key issues relating to the availability of early legal advice, which arise from the reforms to civil legal aid made by the Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Act 2012 (LASPO).  This briefing paper reviews existing research conducted by other organisations that documents how the

1 May 2018


Financial Barriers to Accessing Judicial Review: An Initial Assessment

Ravi Low-Beer and Dr Joe Tomlinson

In England and Wales, questions of money and finance have become more important in the discussion around judicial review in recent years. On the claimant side, there are widespread access to justice concerns relating ot the costs of bringing a judicial review. On the government side, there has been a view taken – which has

26 Apr 2018


Literature Review on the Use and Impact of Litigation

Dr Lisa Vanhala and Jacqui Kinghan

The issue of how and when legal intervention is best used in system change is one that has received little attention in the UK previously. Yet assumptions are made by those who use the law as to how effective legal tools are in successfully challenging unfair systems. Here we are publishing a literature review on the use and

10 Apr 2018


Family Law and Access to Legal Aid

Emma Marshall, Sue Harper and Hattie Stacey

The Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Act 2012 (LASPO) significantly limited the availability of legal aid in civil and family law. Whilst public law family cases remained in the scope of legal aid under LASPO, most private family law matters became ineligible for legal aid, with the exception of funding for some victims

10 Apr 2018


Research Strategy 2020

Dr Joe Tomlinson

This document sets out an initial research strategy for PLP, to operate from 2018 to 2020. The context of this strategy is PLP’s overarching strategic plan, and the organisation’s agreed priorities and goals for the period. In addition, a key aim this initial period is to confirm the PLP’s identity as a producer of high-quality,

5 Apr 2018


Exceptional Case Funding Clinics

Emma Marshall

The research presented here focuses on the feasibility of developing access to legal aid through the Exceptional Case Funding (ECF) scheme, by setting up and running ECF projects in university law schools. This report contributes to PLP’s existing research undertaken in partnership with university law clinics,1 which seeks to develop knowledge and understanding about the

5 Apr 2018


The Digitalisation of Tribunals: What we know and what we need to know

Professor Robert Thomas and Dr Joe Tomlinson

Tribunals are a major part of the administrative justice system. The Government has begun to introduce digital procedures in tribunals but the full details of the changes remain to be seen. This report—commissioned by the UK Administrative Justice Institute—outlines ‘what we know and what we need to know’ about the digitalisation of tribunals. It takes

5 Apr 2018


Public Law and Clinical Legal Environments

Public Law Project

University law clinics are a developing tool for both legal skills-based education and academic education. As well as providing students with experience of law in action and a practical base for academic enquiry, law clinics are, and should be supported as, an important means of providing practical legal work experience; especially where they can provide

5 Apr 2018


Lions under the Throne

Sir Stephen Sedley

Sir Stephen Sedley and Cambridge University Press (CUP) have allowed us to publish the introduction to Lions under the Throne , Essays on the History of English Public Law. The first part of this chapter sketches the early growth of English public law. The second part tries to describe what it was like to be involved in the modern take-off of public law as it roused itself from its long sleep.

2 Dec 2015