A new guide to intervening in judicial reviews and other court proceedings for NGOs, charities and lawyers.

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For over two decades, interventions in public law cases – often called interventions in the public interest – have formed a crucial part of Public Law Project’s strategic activities. Through interventions, it is possible to influence the outcome of judicial review claims and other court processes concerning public decision-making and Government policy.

But if a charity or NGO wants to intervene, where should they start?

Our new guide gives up-to-date information to navigate planning and decision-making on interventions. This includes learning and advice from smaller charities, detailed advice about communication strategies, and procedural and evidential requirements in different courts for lawyers working at or representing NGOs.

PLP produced the guide with the support of the public law litigation team at from A&O Shearman and Landmark Chambers’ public interest litigation team, as well as contributions from intervening NGOs.

Victoria Pogge von Strandmann, Legal Director at PLP, said:

We want this guide to encourage and support organisations to include interventions as part of their toolkit in driving change. If you’ve got something of real value to add and are committed to getting it before the court, you can influence a case, however small you are.

The guide comprehensively breaks down practical considerations, costs and the different stages of an intervention.

In order to be as accessible as possible, this guide also contains:

  • A glossary of terms
  • A flowchart explaining the stages of an intervention
  • An in-depth case study of an intervention from Black Equity Organisation
  • Short case studies and tips from experience provided by our contributors, including Bail for Immigration Detainees (BID), Childhood Bereavement Network (National Children’s Bureau), JUSTICE, and the3million

If you have any feedback on the guide useful for future updates, please fill out this feedback form.

We are already planning an update cycle with our team, and will of course acknowledge any contributions that are used.

Read the guide