Note for practitioners applying the judgment in Susie’s case which found that a dependant can be a member of more than one household when assessing legal aid eligibility
28 Jun 2023
You may be able to apply for a refund if you received Universal Credit hardship payments which you then paid back to the DWP
Working towards a world where the state acts fairly and lawfully
28 Sep 2022
Read the DWP’s full letter on recovering Universal Credit hardship payments
The legal aid Exceptional Case Funding (ECF) scheme is intended to be a human rights ‘safety net’ to avoid breaches of people’s rights, ensuring access to legal aid even when it would not normally be available. ECF clinics help people access ECF to get funded legal representation for vital cases. Such funding can also ‘free-up’
6 Nov 2019
This is an introduction to judicial review. Where a public body makes a decision, or behaves acts unlawfully, there are a number of ways that those affected can challenge that behaviour or decision. These include: Complaining using public bodies’ complaints procedures or Ombudsmen Exercising rights of appeal to a tribunal (if such rights exist in
6 Feb 2019
A Claimant Commitment should help someone understand what the DWP expects from them so they can receive their Universal Credit money. If they ever have a sanction imposed on their claim, their Claimant Commitment should also help them to understand what it is that the DWP think has gone wrong. This is why it is
28 Sep 2018
Claimant Commitments should help claimants to understand what the DWP expect of them in order to receive their Universal Credit money. If a claimant ever has a sanction imposed on their claim, their Claimant Commitment should also help them to understand what it is that the DWP think has gone wrong. This is why it
This guide is intended for individuals who are attending the First-Tier Tribunal for an appeal against a decision taken about a benefit. There is also a short section on appeals in the Upper Tribunal. This guide may be updated from time to time. It is not to be construed as legal advice. This guide is also best read with
10 Jul 2018
This introductory guide explains what public law is, with sections on consultations, complaints procedures and ombudsman schemes, stature appeals and judicial review. An introduction to public law
This guide is intended to assist legal aid providers with a housing contract in determining where it might be appropriate to apply for Exceptional Case Funding (“ECF”) for your clients and to assist advisers in making successful applications for ECF. How-to-get-ECF-in-housing-law
A short guide to making an effective complaint to a public body.
6 Jul 2018