Today, PLP launches one of its key projects in light of Brexit; the SIFT Project.  SIFT stands for Statutory Instruments: Filtering and Tracking and the goal of the SIFT Project is to scrutinise the Statutory Instruments created to facilitate Brexit to check they conform to public law standards and do not undermine fundamental rights.

There are at a minimum another 300 Statutory Instruments that need to be laid between now and Exit Day. PLP is working in partnership with the Hansard Society to monitor Statutory Instruments and to check they conform to public law standards. The Hansard Society’s Statutory Instrument tracker is a key tool for the SIFT Project.

As part of the project, PLP is eager to establish a network of organisations with subject matter expertise who can help to identify additional problems with Statutory Instruments.  PLP is keen to hear from organisations that would like to be involved in the network or who have been independently scrutinising Statutory Instruments. If you think your organisation could be a suitable network member, please get in touch. Email Alexandra Sinclair at [email protected]