How the new Data Bill waters down protections

PLP has briefed MPs that the Bill will weaken data protection rights, meaning the public won’t know how their data is being used.

The dangers of streamlining the asylum process

PLP’s evidence to the Public Accounts Committee, pointing out the risks of the Home Office’s Asylum Transformation programme, has been published

Developing AI regulation: findings from PLP’s roundtable

Cutting-edge insight from our September roundtable discussion on AI regulation, with proposals from researchers, lawyers and academics

How can the Department of Work and Pensions operate more transparently, lawfully, and fairly?

PLP looks at the human impact of DWP decisions: what’s the real cost of conditionality, automation, or overpayment recovery?

Lord Chancellor faces legal challenge over legal aid crisis

A comprehensive report about the legal aid crisis and why we initiated legal proceedings against the Lord Chancellor

Scottish Human Rights Bill – PLP responds

In our response to the Scottish Government’s Human Rights Act consultation, PLP celebrates a progressive attitude to human rights law

How to strengthen open justice – consultation response

In response to the Ministry of Justice, we consider how open justice can be upheld in the modern age

People walking by the Ministry of Justice

Legal Aid Fees in the Illegal Migration Bill – consultation response

How MOJ proposals do not go far enough to ensure vulnerable migrants and asylum seekers can access legal aid

The National Audit Office building

National Audit Office consultation on legal aid – PLP responds

How the legal aid sector is financially unsustainable, limited by unnecessary red tape, and denies help to those who need it the most

‘Hurt first, fix later’: AI regulation white paper consultation response

How the Government’s ‘hurt first, fix later’ approach must be replaced with robust regulation that protects our fundamental rights

Evidence submission on Data Protection and Digital Information Bill (No. 2)

The threats posed to individual’s rights and already marginalised groups by the Bill – and how we can mitigate them

New resource on financial eligibility for civil legal aid involving dependants

Note for practitioners applying the judgment in Susie’s case which found that a dependant can be a member of more than one household when assessing legal aid eligibility