This guide has been produced to provide individuals and community groups with information to promote a better understanding of how to challenge decisions of public bodies. It is intended for non-lawyers , for community and voluntary sector groups and for individuals. It is not intended for litigants in person (ie those who go to court without a lawyer to assist them) , and in no way replaces the need for expert legal advice. Instead , it is designed to help non-lawyers understand the judicial review process , to navigate their way through it , and to get the best out of the lawyers they will undoubtedly need.
25 years of judicial review: advancements , challenges and the future
The following topics will be covered in this lecture: a. Recovery of inter partes costs in judicial review. b. Costs budgeting. c. Protective Costs Orders. d. Wasted Costs Orders and Non party costs orders. Inter partes
There are by now so many JR cases , which cover such a broad range of topics that a talk such as this is necessarily nothing more than a personal choice , and cannot hope to be comprehensive. What is set out below is merely a few cases from 2013 which may be of general interest. There will be many others which are relevant to your particular cases and practices.
The first part of this paper , reviews important environmental decisions relating to land use planning. The second part considers recent costs decisions specific to environmental law. The third part summarises recent changes to the CPR and further proposals , again relating in particular to land use planning.
This submission is made on behalf of the Public Law Project (PLP) and is a response to the consultation ‘Judicial Review: proposals for further reform. The consultation opened on Friday 6 September 2013 , when the MoJ begn seeking views on proposals in a number of key areas. It closes on 1 November 2013.
The latest statistical assertion made by the MoJ , regarding growth in judicial review claims , questioned by PLP.
On 29 October , the policy team at the Ministry of Justice held a web chat ‘to give [those responding to the consultation] an opportunity to comment and ask questions on a proposed package of reforms governing the process of judicial review.’
On 6 September 2013 the Secretary of State for Justice published further proposals to reform judicial review.1 The deadline for responding to the consultation is 1 November 2013. This briefing paper addresses the proposals specifically and in the wider context of other legal reforms.
Mike gives JR a healthcheck – looking at the body and brain of judicial review in an extended somatic metaphor. Note that the main auditorium of Herbert Smith Freehills has two very large striking blue portraits (approximately 8ft tall) of screaming faces , painted in harsh , disturbing blue. These are the pictures he refers to in the address.
Lady Hale’s address to our Judicial Review Trends and Forecasts conference 2013 , on October 14. The address looks at standing , interventions and costs.
Looking at Public Law Project interventions over the previous 12 months.