Challenging Community Care Decisions after McDonald and KM

Issues and central principles arising out of both cases , including the assessment duty , the positive obligations owed to disabled people under Article 8 ECHR , the use of the Resource Allocation Schemes to calculate ‘indicative budgets’ , and the duty to meet assessed needs where ‘necessary’. The barristers , who between them acted for the claimants in both cases , discuss how the central principles of the cases can and should be applied in future challenges to community care decisions.

Judicial Review in the Upper Tribunal (Immigration and Asylum Chamber)

An update on Judicial Review in the Upper Tribunal (Immigration and Asylum Chamber) including a consideration of recent approaches to age assessments and fresh claims and proposals for all immigration judicial reviews to be transferred to the Upper Tribunal.

The Future of Judicial Review 2012

This is an address to PLP’s Trends and Forecasts conference 2012. Mike considers three levels of attainment in JR innovation , Bronze , Silver and Gold , in an extended metaphor with Olympic diving competitions its starting point. How far will you climb the ladder to succeed , and how elegantly will you dive and split the water?

Public Law Research Update Part 2: How is regionalisation affecting the use of Judicial Review?

This paper discusses the impact of regionalisation on Judicial Review.

Challenges to the Decisions of the Upper Tribunal

This paper provides an overview of recent challenges to the Upper Tribunal decisions and the weight to be given to the decisions of specialist tribunals.

Public law challenges to commercial regulators

This presentation provides an update on the application of Judicial Review principles to the regulators across a range of commercial sectors , how the Courts tend to approach the different grounds for Judicial Review in this context , including a number of recent cases.

Judicial Review: The Future

What does the future hold? Will judicial review continue to expand and innovate? What dramatic new steps will future generations look back on? What cutting-edge issues should practitioners be looking out for?

A Year in Judicial Review: October 2012

A round-up of the important cases and decisions from the last twelve months.

The Development of Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights in immigration law

This presentations looks at the development of Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights in the context of immigration law.

Judicial Review, Human Rights and the Peril of Knowing Too Much

Judicial Review , Human Rights and the Peril of Knowing Too Much. Talking at PLP’s annual ‘Judicial Review Trends and Forecasts’ conference , October 2011

A Year in Judicial Review 2012

Ben McCormack and Matt Stanbury of Garden Court North Chambers give a round up of the important cases and decisions of the last twelve months. You can follow their paper to fully enjoy Matt and Ben’s clear , informative , accessible and very entertaining talk. Case analysis includes Julian Assange v Swedish Prosecution Authority , costs in judicial review , and the excitingly titled section ‘Judges , politics , and public sector cuts’.

Introduction to Judicial Review

This paper and presentation provide an overview of the basic principles of public law , and the processes and procedures involved in challenging public body decisions.