Joint statement with ILPA on Government’s response to the immigration legal aid fees consultation
Recommendations to the governance of AI to ensure it operates lawfully, fairly, and without discrimination
Uncovering why the Bill is problematic and should be scrapped entirely
You may be able to apply for a refund if you received Universal Credit hardship payments which you then paid back to the DWP
Stats gathered in response to concerns that appointments are inaccessible
How the Bill is constitutionally inappropriate and potentially deeply harmful
A new report by Public Law Project, Bail for Immigration Detainees, and Medical Justice
Why the Bill is constitutionally inappropriate and potentially deeply harmful
Working towards a world where the state acts fairly and lawfully
MoU fails to uphold rights, justice, and accountability
How the Data Protection and Digital Information Bill must be made fairer
Trade (Australia and New Zealand) Bill must not undermine Parliamentary scrutiny