Research reveals “inhumane” effects of GPS tagging on migrants

A new report by Public Law Project, Bail for Immigration Detainees, and Medical Justice

Retained EU Law (Revocation and Reform) Bill second reading briefing

Why the Bill is constitutionally inappropriate and potentially deeply harmful

In the spotlight: our strategy to 2025

Working towards a world where the state acts fairly and lawfully

Evidence to UK-Rwanda Memorandum of Understanding inquiry

MoU fails to uphold rights, justice, and accountability

Individuals at risk following new data Bill

How the Data Protection and Digital Information Bill must be made fairer

New Trade Bill continues trend to restrict role of Parliament

Trade (Australia and New Zealand) Bill must not undermine Parliamentary scrutiny

Bill of Rights: a cure in search of a problem

Why Parliamentarians must amend the proposals that threaten human rights

Immigration legal aid pledges ring hollow in new proposals

Sustainability of immigration legal aid is at risk – our joint response with ILPA has more

Benefit Sanctions: A Presumption of Guilt

New report finds lack of trust at heart of system

Cost of living enquiry: key opportunity to make fairer system

Universal Credit deductions must be urgently reformed – here’s how

Legal Aid Means Test Review: PLP responds

Ensuring the means test is fair and accessible

Queen’s Speech: our briefings to parliamentarians

Brexit Freedoms Bill and Data Reform Bill: what are the risks and opportunities?