In a joint letter from over 30 organisations, PLP calls for a legal duty that would make government use of AI transparent
The High Court has declared that the Welsh Government’s decision to stop Free School Meals in the holidays last year was taken unlawfully
As the Rwanda Bill enters Committee Stage in the House of Lords, there are still ways to remove its worst elements
The Joint Committee of Human Rights has found that no amendments would make the Rwanda Bill compatible with human rights
A joint statement over 250 civil societies on why the Safety of Rwanda Bill endangers human rights and the British constitution
A new report from the Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Select Committee (PACAC) calls for greater scrutiny of treaties
Why peers should treat the dangerous Safety of Rwanda Bill as a threat to the UK constitution and human rights
In a submission to the International Agreements Committee, PLP argues that the new Rwanda treaty still risks human rights abuses
Our concerns over the DWP’s use of automation were raised by the Public Accounts Committee – here’s why the DWP’s response isn’t enough
PLP welcomes a new Chair of the Board, as well as new trustees
After meeting with the Ministry of Justice, PLP continues to prepare evidence for our proposed legal challenge
Over 100 civil societies react to the Rwanda plan ruling and call for the Government to abandon similar efforts