Public Law Project statement on the Supreme Court ruling This morning’s Supreme Court judgment draws on evidence from the Public Law Project (PLP) that prorogation frustrated the ability of Parliament to carry out its constitutional function. The court found that the Government did not take account of the impact prorogation would have on the ‘special procedures for
Public Law Project (PLP) publishes this note as clarification and context to the Government’s response to our intervention in Miller v Prime Minister. On 19 September 2019, the final day of the hearing, Lord Keen QC responded directly to the PLP’S intervention, telling the Supreme Court that the statutory instruments (SIs) that are required in
A Claimant Commitment should help someone understand what the DWP expects from them so they can receive their Universal Credit money. If they ever have a sanction imposed on their claim, their Claimant Commitment should also help them to understand what it is that the DWP think has gone wrong. This is why it is
Public Law Project is delighted to have been shortlisted for the 2019 Law Society Excellence Awards in the Excellence in Access to Justice category. Our entry highlighted PLP’s unique ability to draw on casework, research and training, as well as our partnership approach to working with frontline charities and civil society, to improve access to
Following a legal challenge brought by the Children’s Society and supported by PLP, the Ministry of Justice has drafted legislation to make it easier for migrant children who have been separated from their families to access legal aid to resolve their immigration matters. The draft legislation was submitted to Parliament on 22 July. The report
Public Law Project (PLP) Legal Director Alison Pickup gave a talk on the cost barriers to accessing judicial review at the Bonavero Institute of Human Rights conference earlier this year. Alison’s talk focussed on the importance of introducing special costs rules for judicial review as a way of improving access to justice and the ability
PLP’s Research Director Dr Joe Tomlinson’s latest paper – Quick and Uneasy Justice – reports that the Settled Status Scheme represents an accelerating trend towards quick justice at the expense of important safeguards. The report analyses the administrative justice design of the scheme – which represents a new and distinct model of immigration and administrative justice,
PLP has now finished phase one of its settled status research project. The first phase of research aimed to model how the scheme is designed, and to provide a detailed analysis of its possible strengths and weaknesses. The findings of this first phase of research are written up in a report by PLP’s Research Director
A Freedom of Information request by Public Law Project has revealed that the Government lost or disposed of the only record of a meeting between its lawyers and Sir Rupert Jackson at which they discussed costs measures designed to improve access to judicial review. The FOI request was submitted by PLP’s Research Director Joe Tomlinson
In the run up to this year’s London Pride, Public Law Project (PLP) renewed calls on the Home Secretary to clear the names of men convicted for the historic gay sex offence of ‘importuning’. In a letter to the Home Office on behalf of veteran gay rights campaigner Terry Stewart, PLP has demanded that the
Is the Government serious about access to justice? A new blog by PLP’s Deputy Legal Director Sara Lomri explains why access to judicial review is for most people now a distant reality and why the latest costs consultation suggests that the Government is ignoring the financial obstacles that prevent people from challenging unlawful decision-making. She
The final hearing took place in the High Court this week (18 June) to determine the lawfulness of the Home Office Removal Notice Window (RNW) policy. The court suspended the ‘no-warning’ practice in March this year following a challenge by Medical Justice amid fears that migrants were being denied a fair chance to put their