Smoke from industrial action in the environment

Environment Bill briefing: Flawed enforcement and toothless remedies

How will the Bill inadequately protect the rule of law and fail to secure adequate environmental protection? Read our take

Secrecy and poor data have no place in constitutional reform

Why the Government’s approach is making it harder for the public to engage with its plans for constitutional reform

Government judicial review numbers are wrong: Stats regulator concurs

If figures we can see are wrong, what about the figures we can’t see?

What is PLP doing in Wales?

Contact our Wales solicitor Matthew Court PLP is now providing direct public law advice and support in Wales. We have been running a public law conference in Wales for over a decade and working with the legal community in Wales throughout this time. We’ve been told that focused public law advice and assistance is needed.

DWP changes guidance on recovering hardship payment debt

Read our note to advisers on the changes that were made and why the practice was unlawful

Digital justice: digital exclusion

PLP researcher Jo Hynes writes for Legal Action Group on how the efficiency of digital justice systems comes with the risk of exclusion for those without digital access

New Plan for Immigration: PLP consultation response

We uncover 4 unsatisfactory features of the consultation and why they risk creating barriers to justice

Judicial review reform: PLP’s consultation response

Public Law Project has submitted its response to the consultation, Judicial Review: Proposals for Reform. Read Public Law Project’s consultation response here. Our introduction to the consultation reminds policy-makers that judicial review exists to ensure fair and lawful public administration and promote high quality public decision-making. It ensures that the executive obeys the laws enacted

What? Judicial Review reform. Why? Unclear.

Today the Government published the 200 page report of the Independent Review of Administrative Law (IRAL) and at the same time launched a consultation on the reform of judicial review.  Public Law Project is analysing the report in detail and looking at how we can support others who wish to respond to the consultation.  Jo Hickman, Director of

Human Rights Act Review – PLP submission

The Government recently established the Independent Human Rights Act Review (IHRAR) to “consider how [the HRA] is working in practice” after twenty years in operation.

‘Sham marriages’ and algorithmic decision-making in the Home Office

The Home Office is using an algorithm to determine whether a marriage should be investigated as a ‘sham’, according to documents obtained by the Public Law Project under the Freedom of Information Act. PLP is concerned that this algorithm may be flawed and discriminatory because some nationalities seem more likely to be targeted for investigation

New resource for legal aid practitioners: Eligibility and ‘trapped’ capital

Resources for legal aid practitioners Public Law Project has prepared a practice note and a precedent to assist practitioners following the decision in PLP client Claire’s case – R (oao GR) v Director Of Legal Aid Casework [2020] EWHC 3140 (Admin). The decision establishes that the Director has a discretion to value assets other than