What we do

Recent reforms have significantly changed the landscape for migrant groups in the UK, presenting greater risks to access to justice for those subject to immigration control. Our priority is to promote a fair and non-discriminatory immigration system through policy influencing and litigation.

In recent years high-profile PLP cases have prevented regressive changes and/or improved legal protections across a range of migrants’ rights issues including indefinite detention, the legal aid residence test, and the right of access to the court for migrants facing removal from the UK.

Training and resources

PLP has delivered training throughout England and Wales on Brexit statutory instruments and related issues such as Statutory Instruments which alter benefits entitlements for those with settled and pre-settled status.

PLP has also delivered training throughout England and Wales on how the EUSS hub operates and how frontline organisations can work with us.

If you would like to talk to us about our Brexit related Statutory Instruments or legislative scrutiny around the Brexit process, please contact Alexandra Sinclair, our Research Fellow in Brexit, Parliament and the Rule of Law, at [email protected]