Policy briefings and submissions

Response to ‘Judicial Review: Proposals for further reform’ consultation

Public Law Project

This submission is made on behalf of the Public Law Project (PLP) and is a response to the consultation ‘Judicial Review: proposals for further reform. The consultation opened on Friday 6 September 2013 , when the MoJ begn seeking views on proposals in a number of key areas. It closes on 1 November 2013.

1 Nov 2013

Policy briefings and submissions

Judicial review consultation alert

Public Law Project

The latest statistical assertion made by the MoJ , regarding growth in judicial review claims , questioned by PLP.

On 29 October , the policy team at the Ministry of Justice held a web chat ‘to give [those responding to the consultation] an opportunity to comment and ask questions on a proposed package of reforms governing the process of judicial review.’

30 Oct 2013

Policy briefings and submissions

Judicial review: proposals for further reform briefing paper

Public Law Project

On 6 September 2013 the Secretary of State for Justice published further proposals to reform judicial review.1 The deadline for responding to the consultation is 1 November 2013. This briefing paper addresses the proposals specifically and in the wider context of other legal reforms.

3 Oct 2013

Policy briefings and submissions

Evidence submitted to the Joint Committee on Human Rights

Public Law Project

Written evidence to the joint committee on human rights in response to enquiry into the implications for access to justice of the government’s proposed legal aid reforms submitted by the public law project

3 Oct 2013

Policy briefings and submissions

Response to MoJ consultation paper ‘Transforming Legal Aid’

Public Law Project

Documents on the 2013 Transforming Legal Aid consultation.

4 Jun 2013

Policy briefings and submissions

Exceptional funding: a fig leaf, not a safeguard

Martha Spurrier

The Public Law Project looks at the latest statistics on exceptional funding from the Legal Aid Agency , which show that the scheme is not fit for purpose and does not provide a safeguard for access to justice.

29 Jul 2013

Policy briefings and submissions

Briefing on the proposed changes to legal aid in the ‘Transforming Legal Aid’ consultation paper

Martha Spurrier

This briefing is in response to the proposed changes to legal aid in the government’s Transforming Legal Aid consultation paper.

27 Jun 2013

Policy briefings and submissions

Seeking the statistical data that the legal aid proposals are said to be based on

Clare Jennings

The Public Law Project has written to the Ministry of Justice seeking the statistical data that the legal aid proposals are said to be based on (June 2013).

29 May 2013

Policy briefings and submissions

The Legality of the Proposed Residence Test

Michael Fordham QC, Ben Jaffey and Ravi Mehta

A legal opinion by a leading QC has found that the Government’s proposed changes to legal aid – for which the consultation closes today – are unlawful.

29 May 2013

Policy briefings and submissions

Debunking the Lord Chancellor’s misuse of judicial review statistics

Public Law Project

The Public Law Project debunks the Lord Chancellor’s misuse of judicial review statistics.

23 Apr 2013

Policy briefings and submissions

Response to MoJ consultation ‘Judicial Review: proposals for reform’

Public Law Project

PLP documents on the MOJ consultation ‘Judicial Review: proposals for reform’.

23 Jan 2013

Policy briefings and submissions

PLP Review and Impact Report 2006-2011

Public Law Project

Review of all departments work between 2006 – 2011

26 Jul 2011