Judicial Review Reforms Update

This Power Point accompanies a talk Given by Zahra (with Mike Fordham QC) on Judicial Review Reforms Update. It looks at current changes , what is proiposed and what it means for practitioners.

A guide to support under Section 17 Children Act 1989

The purpose of this guide is to assist voluntary organisations working with destitute migrant families to identify which families can access support from social services. The guide is intended to help advisers advocate on behalf of their clients and to know when to refer a case to a solicitor. This guide is not intended to be a substitute for specialist legal advice.

Obtaining exceptional funding under LASPO – is it worth applying?

Exceptional funding will only be available to people whose human rights or European Union rights

would be breached if they did not have legal aid. The Government intends this to be a high threshold and envisages that only a small number of cases will get exceptional funding. This paper and workshop notes examines when your case may be eligible for exceptional funding , and what you need to show to obtain it.

Children and Young People in Need of Accommodation

This paper covers remedies for children in need of accommodation.

An Update on the Judicial Review Reforms and their Consequences

This paper and related presentation details the Judicial Review reforms of recent years , and what is currently proposed by Government. It explains what this means for practitioners.

Pre-Permission Costs: Reducing the risk of non-payment

This paper and related presentation examines the anticipated impact of the new regulations which remove entitlement to payment by legal aid for costs in judicial review where either the case ends prior to permission being granted or permission is refused.

Using Judicial Review in Immigration Cases

This presentation and related materials cover the use of judicial review in immigration cases , including:

• The implications of the transfer of most immigration judicial reviews to the Upper Tribunal

• The increasing use of judicial review as the only remedy in cases where clients have no right of appeal

• The use of strategic judicial review litigation to challenge the new interpretation of and validity of the new immigration rules post 9 July 2012 (including in relation to Article 8)

• Major changes in the field which will be wrought when the Immigration Act 2014 comes fully into force

Constitutional Law and the Welsh Government

This paper explores constitutional points arising from from the devolution of powers in Wales.

Criminal Justice & Courts Bill Part 4: Joint NGO Briefing on Judicial Review

Briefing for Peers on Part 4 of the Criminal Justice & Courts Bill , in advance of it reaching the House of Lords Committee stage.

Further briefing for Parliamentarians on Judicial Review Reforms

This briefing is concerned with the proposed changes to judicial review in Part 4 of the Criminal Justice & Courts Bill. It follows on from PLP’s previous briefing in March 2014.

Richard III Myths and Facts

This briefing concerns the Richard III case , used a justification for measures in Part 4 of the Criminal Justice & Courts Bill.

Privacy and Data Protection claims

This talk focuses on the broad range of remedies available in claims for breach of confidence and

misuse of private information and under Article 8 ECHR and the Data Protection Act 1998. It considers

the central building-blocks of such actions and discusses tactical considerations for public lawyers.