EU citizens’ rights: Post transition

The law that applies to EU Nationals at the end of the Brexit transition period

British money

National Disability Strategy: PLP responds

Setting out the key points on benefit sanctions from the Strategy

Digital, AI and alogorithms

Preventing exclusion in an age of digitalisation

Findings from our roundtable discussion

Front on view of The Royal Courts of Justice in London

PLP recommendations included in Justice Committee legal aid report

The report calls for an overhaul of the current system to better suit the needs of those who use it

Digital support for HMCTS reformed services

As this pilot project transitions into a national service, we ask: how is it working so far and what more do we need to know to ensure it operates fairly?

Judicial Review Reform: PLP’s consultation response

Find out why we believe the Government’s proposals restrict access to justice and fair outcomes for individuals

Legal Aid for immigration – bring it back

We uncover why the decision to remove immigration from scope for legal aid was flawed and why the replacement scheme is a barrier to justice

Analysis: Government must disclose its decision-making models

Read PLP researchers Jack Maxwell and Dr Joe Tomlinson writing in the Judicial Review journal on the importance of the Government disclosing the technical models behind its decision-making

PLP’s submission to the Independent Human Rights Act Review

We explore why the HRA strikes the right balance between Parliament, the executive and the courts

What is the law that will apply to EU nationals at the end of the Brexit transition period?

Read our summary on the law applicable to EU nationals in the UK after the end of the Brexit transition period

Experiencing Asylum Appeals

Overwhelming, disorientating and confusing: 34 ways to improve access to justice at the first-tier tribunal

Recordings for Online Judicial Review Academy

Signed up but couldn’t make it? Watch the full event back here