What will the new administration mean for rights and accountability?

What the Sunak Government might mean for rights, immigration, and the rule of law

Light rather than heat: Sir Peter Gross on Human Rights Act reform

Insights from Sir Peter’s speech at PLP’s judicial review conference

Rwanda policy avoided Parliamentary scrutiny – Lords Committee

New report echoes PLP concerns over use of Memorandum of Understanding

New changes to Universal Credit put over 100,000 people at greater risk of sanctioning

114,000 claimants will be impacted by increase to Administrative Earnings Threshold

Retained EU Law Bill

Retained EU Law Bill: four ways it’s flawed

Concerns include handing ministers excessive legislative power

Benefit sanctions soar to record high: new data reveals

Data echoes PLP research that sanctions are rising despite their harm

Director Jo Hickman to leave PLP after 13 years

The news that Jo Hickman will be leaving PLP at the end of 2022

Machine learning used to stop Universal Credit payments

DWP trialling machine learning algorithm to detect fraud in benefit claims

Rights Removal Bill: PLP responds to Bill of Rights announcement

Read the full statement from Legal Director Ariane Adam

Rwanda: Memorandum of Understanding

Memorandum of Understanding bypasses essential Parliamentary scrutiny

Judicial Review Bill: Compromise on controversial clause

Last minute change will provide better protection to those harmed by unlawful decisions