Immigration Bail: reporting conditions suspended

The Home Office issued a notice on the website (24 March) that immigration bail reporting conditions have been temporarily suspended while it reviews how frequently people should report during the COVID-19 pandemic. This follows letters from Migrants Organise and Helen Bamber Foundation that set out the pressing public health reasons for the immediate suspension of reporting conditions. PLP

PLP Coronavirus update: Let’s stay in touch

Coronavirus: Here are PLP’s priorities, what we are doing right now, and how we can support each other

Briefing: Coronavirus Bill Second Reading

The stated purpose of the Bill is to provide Government with the legal measures necessary to respond to and manage the Covid19 pandemic. READ PLP’S CORONAVIRUS BILL BRIEIFNG Legislation of this nature is genuinely exceptional – COVID-19 is a serious threat to the safety and wellbeing of the UK. We accept the Government’s rationale for

Coronavirus: Court & tribunal user experience survey

PLP would like to hear about your experience of how coronavirus is affecting the operation of courts and tribunals. Our goal is to centralise the data in order to identify issues and any patterns that arise. We would greatly appreciate you sharing your experiences using this form. The prompts are broad; please give as much

Coronavirus Bill: analysis and scrutiny

PLP is currently scrutinising the Coronavirus Bill, published on Thursday 19th March. PLP will also extend its SIFT project to include tracking of delegated legislation related to the virus.  The stated purpose of the Bill is to provide Government with the legal measures necessary to respond to and manage the Covid19 pandemic. Legislation of this nature is genuinely exceptional. It will introduce

Impact Report 2017-2019

Read about what PLP does, how we do it, and the impact we have made in the last three years. The Impact Report 2017-2019 has the facts, figures, case studies and testimonials to give you an insight into our work, across all our five focus areas. This three year report was published on PLP’s 30th

EU Citizens’ rights during the transition period

Citizens’ rights during the transition period is now live. Read on to find the law applicable to EU nationals residing in the UK, or who arrive in the UK, up until 31 December 2020. EU Citizens’ Rights during the transition period Read the previous updates here.

New support hub for charities working with EU citizens

New hub to support EU Settlement Scheme applications PLP has recently established a second-tier public law support hub for frontline organisations assisting vulnerable and disadvantaged applicants to the EU Settlement Scheme (EUSS).  If you work for an organisation offering assistance to vulnerable and disadvantaged EUSS applicants, we would love to hear from you. About the

PLP survey shows lack of faith in legal aid scheme

A survey carried out by Public Law Project indicates that legal aid providers lack faith in the Exceptional Case Funding (ECF) scheme and shows that a large percentage of respondents rarely make applications on behalf of their clients. Read Improving Exceptional Case Funding: Providers’ Perspectives. The survey results showed: 77% of respondents disagreed that ECF

Judicial review of Statutory Instruments seminar held on 14 January 2020

On the afternoon of 14 January 2020, around 20 lawyers gathered in a former railway arch in Hackney, hosted by ClientEarth, to discuss judicial review of statutory instruments. This seminar was important because it is not often that Statutory Instruments (“SIs”) and system-change litigation are discussed in conjunction with one another. This was a chance

EU Withdrawal Agreement Bill: Clause 26 & legal certainty

The latest briefing on the EU Withdrawal Agreement Bill from Public Law Project draws attention to Clause 26 and the implications for legal certainty. Read the PLP’s briefing on Clause 26 What does Clause 26 do? Clause 26 creates a power for ministers to make regulations to allow specified lower courts and tribunals to depart

EU WAB – PLP’s briefing on the Independent Monitoring Authority

On the agenda for this afternoon’s EU Withdrawal Bill Committee are powers to make changes to the Independent Monitoring Authority (IMA). Read PLP’s two-page briefing here. The Withdrawal Agreement (WA) requires the UK to have an independent authority to monitor the implementation and application of the citizens’ rights provisions of the WA after the end