Policy briefings and submissions

Digital support for HMCTS reformed services

Jo Hynes

As this pilot project transitions into a national service, we ask: how is it working so far and what more do we need to know to ensure it operates fairly?

14 May 2021

Policy briefings and submissions

Judicial Review Reform: PLP’s consultation response

Find out why we believe the Government’s proposals restrict access to justice and fair outcomes for individuals

26 May 2021

Policy briefings and submissions

Legal Aid for immigration – bring it back

We uncover why the decision to remove immigration from scope for legal aid was flawed and why the replacement scheme is a barrier to justice

20 Apr 2021

Policy briefings and submissions

PLP’s submission to the Independent Human Rights Act Review

We explore why the HRA strikes the right balance between Parliament, the executive and the courts

3 Mar 2021

Policy briefings and submissions

What is the law that will apply to EU nationals at the end of the Brexit transition period?

Read our summary on the law applicable to EU nationals in the UK after the end of the Brexit transition period

22 Dec 2020

Policy briefings and submissions

PLP’s submission to the Independent Review of Administrative Law

Read our full submission exploring why positive reforms are needed to ensure that judicial review is accessible to ordinary people and effective in practice

21 Oct 2020

Policy briefings and submissions

Statement on the Independent Review of Administrative Law process

You can now read our statement on the Independent Review of Administrative Law process.

20 Oct 2020

Policy briefings and submissions

House of Lords UK Internal Market Briefing Bill

Setting out out 3 key areas of concern with the Bill

19 Oct 2020

Policy briefings and submissions

Coronavirus Bills Briefing

Read our briefing on the Coronavirus Bills passing through Parliament in spring 2020.

31 Mar 2020

Policy briefings and submissions

Impact Report 2017-2019

Read about what PLP does, how we do it, and the impact we have made in the last three years. The Impact Report 2017-2019 has the facts, figures, case studies and testimonials to give you an insight into our work, across all our five focus areas. This three year report was published on PLP’s 30th anniversary fundraising

5 Mar 2020

Policy briefings and submissions

EU citizens’ rights in the transition period

Alexandra Sinclair

The purpose of this briefing is to describe the law applicable to EU nationals[1] residing in the UK, or who arrive in the UK, up until 31 December 2020. [1] Save where indicated otherwise, this includes nationals of EEA states and the family members of EU and EEA nationals, to the extent that they have

10 Feb 2020

Policy briefings and submissions

Withdrawal Bill Agreement – Public Law Project Briefing

The European Union (Withdrawal Agreement) Bill (WAB) has been ‘paused’ for now. The Bill may nevertheless resume progress through Parliament, possibly at short notice. The Public Law Project briefing on the Bill has brought to the attention of parliamentarians the unjustifiably broad delegated powers that the Bill will give to ministers. Read PLP’s briefing here.

23 Oct 2020