Policy briefings and submissions

UK Supreme Court intervention: Public Law Project documents

These resources relate to the Public Law Project intervention in the Supreme Court case concerning the prorogation of Parliament.

17 Sep 2019

digital courts
Policy briefings and submissions

PLP submission to the Justice Committee inquiry on the access to justice impacts of court and tribunal reforms

In January 2019, the Justice Committee launched an inquiry into the access to justice implications of the programme of reforms underway in Her Majesty’s Courts and Tribunals Service (HMCTS), including the increasing use of digital and video technology and the closures of courts and tribunal hearing centres. Below is PLP’s submission to this inquiry. PLP

Policy briefings and submissions

Judicial review in Wales

Public Law Project and Dr Sarah Nason

This one of three submissions to the Commission on Justice in Wales, focusing on Judicial Review in Wales.

6 Nov 2018

Policy briefings and submissions

Evidence for the Commission on Justice in Wales on digitalisation and justice

Dr Joe Tomlinson

This is one of three submissions made by PLP to the Commission on Justice in Wales, focusing on digitalisation and justice in Wales. Evidence for the Commission on Justice in Wales on digitalisation and justice in Wales The other submissions concern judicial review in Wales, and the effects of LASPO on civil legal aid in

6 Nov 2018

Policy briefings and submissions

Evidence to the Procedure Committee for its inquiry “Exiting the European Union: scrutiny of delegated legislation”

PLP has submitted evidence to the House of Commons Procedure Committee’s Inquiry, “Exiting the European Union: Scrutiny of Delegated Legislation”. PLP takes no position on the UK’s decision to leave the European Union. Our work around Brexit is intended to ensure that Parliament is appropriately sovereign, the executive held to account, and the interests of

2 Oct 2018

Policy briefings and submissions

PLP’s Submission to the Post-Implementation Review of LASPOA 2012

Public Law Project

This is a comprehensive response drawing on PLP’s Legal Aid Support Project covering five years of casework, litigation, research, training and policy work. PLP’s submission to the LASPO Post implementation review

27 Sep 2018

Policy briefings and submissions

Submission to the UN Special Rapporteur on Extreme Poverty ahead of his UK Country visit in November 2018

Public Law Project

PLP have written to the UN Special Rapporteur on Extreme Poverty and Human Rights ahead of his UK country visit in November 2018. We have highlighted a number of areas of concern for his consideration including: Access to justice and legal aid; benefit reform and benefit sanctioning; online justice and digitisation of the courts system;

14 Sep 2018

Policy briefings and submissions

Response to the Post-Implementation Review of Part II of Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Act 2012

Public Law Project

This is PLP’s response to the Ministry of Justice’s Post-Implementation Review of Part II of the Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Act 2012(“LASPO”). You can read our response below. PLP’s response to consultation on LASPO Part II PIR call for evidence Our response also refers to our submissions to Lord Justice Jackson’s review

24 Aug 2018

Policy briefings and submissions

Response to Consultation on Changes to Part 39 of the Civil Procedure Rules

Public Law Project

One of PLP’s specific focus areas is digitalisation, and the online court in particular. The introduction of online courts will lead to a transformation of the way millions of people interact with the justice system in the UK. The potential impact on access to justice is huge. The Ministry of Justice (MoJ) is seeking views

23 Aug 2018

Policy briefings and submissions

European (Withdrawal) Bill – Briefing for the House of Lords Report

Ahead of the Report Stage of the European Union (Withdrawal) Bill in the House of Lords, Wednesday 18th April 2018, PLP has prepared a briefing paper for Peers highlighting our key concerns with the Bill. PLP takes no position on the UK’s decision to leave the European Union. Our work around the EU (Withdrawal) Bill is

18 Apr 2018

Policy briefings and submissions

‘Fit for the future: transforming the Tribunal and Court estate’ consultation response

Public Law Project

PLP is concerned that by pressing ahead with court closures before allowing enough time for the modernisation programme to bed in and for evidence to be gathered and research conducted, the quality of access to justice will decrease. The effect on the appearance of justice being done also needs to be thoroughly considered and researched

4 Apr 2018

Policy briefings and submissions

Written evidence of the Public Law Project to the Joint Committee on Human Rights’ inquiry into human rights: attitudes to enforcement

Public Law Project

PLP welcomes the opportunity to provide evidence to the Joint Committee on Human Rights’ inquiry into factors which may impede individuals from using the UK’s human rights framework effectively. Our submission addresses the question of access to resources and in particular the impact of LASPO on the ability of individuals to access the courts as

13 Feb 2018