Campaign for Freedom of Information

Maurice Frankel , Director of the Campaign for Freedom of Information , looks at recent cases and headlines generated by Freedom of Information Act requests. He looks at what we know , what we have recently found out , what we can’t find out , and what the implications and prospects are for the use of FoIA in Judicial Review.

Costs and Funding in Judicial Review: A Claimant’s Guide

This paper covers a range of issues , including Legal Aid reforms , CFA funding – including the Jackson reforms , Protective Costs Orders , Companies as vehicles for litigation , third party funding , tips on recovery your costs and adverse costs risks of JR by stages.

The Tension Between the UK Supreme Court and the European Court of Human Rights

Talking on the issue of a bill of rights for the UK. Recorded at PLP’s annual ‘Judicial Review Trends and Forecasts’ conference , October 2011.

The European Court of Human Rights and the Human Rights Act: British Concerns

Lord Lester provides a discussion on the tensions between the UK Supreme Court and the European Court of Human Rights.

A Year in Judicial Review 2011

A round-up of the important cases and decisions from the last 12 months.

Court of Protection: An Update

This paper looks at case law developing in the Court of Protection , including the Court’s welfare jurisdiction and the difference between restriction of freedom and deprivation of liberty.

Public Law in International Law Claims

Richard Hermer QC’s talk from our ‘Trends and Forecasts’ conference 2011 , talking on International Law in Public Law Claims.

The Duty to Consult

This paper provides practical points claimants should look for when challenging the legality of consultation processes , and how defendants can undertake consultation lawfully so as to avoid challenge.

Access to Justice for NGOs and Charities

Judicial review for NGOs , charities and their lawyers: When should NGOs and charities bring claims? What kinds of claims are most likely to succeed? How can claims be funded? How can NGOs or charities minimise the costs risk of losing and get a Protective Costs Order? How does the Aarhus Convention help access to justice in environmental cases?

PLP Review and Impact Report 2006-2011

Review of all departments work between 2006 – 2011

Community Care Law – Current Developments

This paper provides updates on: the impact of Personalisation on Community Care assessment and provision; the reform of Adult Social Care law; the provision of NHS Continuing Healthcare to individuals living in the community.

International Law in Domestic Practice: Some Practical Pointers

The paper provides considerations on the international law and comparative law , and when it is relevant to apply them in practice in the UK , including incorporation of international treaties and customary international law into domestic law and the direct applicability of the EU Treaty.