The operation of the Administrative Court during Covid-19 and the move to online courts

Watch: Panel discussion from October 2020 on the Operation of the Administrative Court during the pandemic

Recordings for Rise of the Robots: Challenging automated decision making in government

Signed up but couldn’t make it? Watch the full event back here

digital courts

Proving algorithmic discrimination in government decision-making

PLP researchers Dr Joe Tomlinson and Jack Maxwell in the Oxford University Commonwealth Law Journal on why Governments must not ignore the risk of algorithmic discrimination

PLP’s submission to the Independent Review of Administrative Law

Read our full submission exploring why positive reforms are needed to ensure that judicial review is accessible to ordinary people and effective in practice

Recordings from JR Trends and Forecasts 2020: Executive Power

Please visit this page to find out where you can find the recordings from JR Trends and Forecasts 2020: Executive Power.

Statement on the Independent Review of Administrative Law process

You can now read our statement on the Independent Review of Administrative Law process.

House of Lords UK Internal Market Briefing Bill

Setting out out 3 key areas of concern with the Bill

Plus ça change? Brexit and the flaws of the delegated legislation system

The UK’s withdrawal from the European Union led to a tsunami of delegated legislation, provoking a re-examination of long-held anxieties about the role of delegated legislation in the contemporary constitution. In this report, we provide an account of Brexit delegated legislation from the 2016 referendum until Exit Day, arguing that, while the system as a

Digital Immigration Status: A Monitoring Framework

This report scrutinises the Home Office’s case for the transition to digital-only immigration status, drawing on the prominent recent example of the EU Settlement Scheme. We warn that digital-only status is risky and call on the Home Office not to rule out bringing in a paper-based back-up. Based on our analysis of the tradeoffs involved,

Improving Exceptional Case Funding

This briefing provides an update to Public Law Project’s earlier report, Improving Exceptional Case Funding: Providers’ Perspectives, which was published in January 2020 just before the COVID-19 pandemic.

digital courts

Online Immigration Appeals: A Case Study of the First-tier Tribunal

This report examines the transition to using the online procedure to manage appeals in the First-tier Tribunal (Immigration and Asylum Chamber).

Case law update: Costs in Judicial Review

These are the resources from the ‘Where are we now? Case law update’ session from the Costs in Judicial Review seminar.