Data: the wrong direction? PLP responds to DCMS consultation

Read our full consultation on why proposals risk discriminatory decision-making

JR and Courts Bill: Ensuring access to justice in online courts

Ensuring those who are digital excluded are not left behind

Submission on the Scrutiny of International Treaties

Find out why we’re calling for greater scrutiny and accountability for international agreements

Against Persons Unknown

How a self-organised group from Hull fought for justice

Evidence submission on new technologies and the application of the law

Read our submission to the Justice and Home Affairs Committee

JR and Courts Bill – Committee Stage briefing

Find out which amendments we’re backing

JR and Courts Bill: Briefings and case studies

Explore PLP’s response to the proposed Bill and why we think it’s problematic

Air travelers queue at border control at Heathrow Airport.

Nationality and Borders Bill briefings: ensuring access to justice and protecting the rule of law

Read our latest briefings urging Government to prioritise fairness and efficiency

Smoke from industrial action in the environment

Environment Bill: House of Lords Briefing and DEFRA consultation

Read our response to the Bill as it goes to report stage

Sign at the DWP offices in London

DWP sets out policy for waiving and repaying Universal Credit hardship payments

Read the DWP’s full letter on recovering Universal Credit hardship payments

Sign for a job centre in Wales

Evidence to Welsh Affairs Committee inquiry into benefits system in Wales

Read our evidence on how the Welsh benefits system can operate more fairly

The Royal Courts of Justice in London

Tribunal Procedure Committee consultation response

Find out why we believe the proposed rule changes risk creating an insular tribunal system